Tuesday, October 21, 2008

St. Ann’s Catholic Church offers: Career Quest

Career Quest, the oldest active and most experienced job network in Atlanta is staffed by heads of local businesses, division heads of major
corporations and other self starters. Direction and detailed descriptions of our workshops and Bios of our facilitators are available on our web site:

Call 770-552-6400 ext. 6104 for more information.


* Every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm we hold two events that run concurrently:

* Group Networking: self driven, an open forum dedicated to networking with other job seekers
* Resume Reviews: One-on-one time is available with experienced volunteers
* 7:55pm the Workshop Session: Begins & runs to approximately 10pm these are self-help workshops designed to provide job seekers with the basic tools to locate jobs and have an edge when applying for jobs

WORKSHOP for 10/21/08: "Starting a Job Search"

The session provides job seekers with much more than just an introduction to what proven techniques follow in the rest of this dynamic approach to re-entering the new workplace, but also how one can make a successful career transition. This initial session also provides the following for each participant that actively engages the process:
- The understanding that they are not alone deals with job seekers feelings
- Offers an overview of critical web-sites and support services for job seekers
- Highlights of each job search tool offered with take-aways! A job-seeker marketing plan for each participant
- Strategies for each job seeker to create a career development plan

Presented by Susan Nofi a Senior Vice President, Human Resources and General Counsel, for the world's leading industry provider of print media in 170 countries. Susan has over 20 years of experience. She created a focus on strategic and organizational management, particularly in salary
administration, performance management, and training

WORKSHOPS for the remainder of OCTOBER:

10/28/2008 "D.I.S.C.: a Human Behavior Model" presented by Ernie Pollitzer

St. Ann's is located on 4905 Roswell Road/ 120, (at the intersection of Bishop Lake and Roswell Rd./Rt.120) Marietta Ga. 30062. Everyone is
welcome. There is no charge and dress is casual. Drive around the back of the Church and park near the swing set and enter the building through the
door under the drive-thru overhang; our room is on your right. Call 770-552-6400 ext. 6104 for more information.

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