CLARKONOMICS: Clark wants to issue a special challenge to churches and other religious organizations ahead of what is likely to be a trend of rising unemployment. At just a little over 6%, unemployment remains low today compared to historical numbers. But odds are fairly good that we may see it rise to between 8.5% or 9%.
Some places like Michigan and Rhode Island may be there already, with California following closely behind. In the past, churches, synagogues and other religious institutions have offered people a place to network during times of high unemployment. In Clark's estimation, the Internet and its networking forums just don't have the same touch as a brick-and-mortar building where you can go to share bumps in the road with others seeking work.
So our nation's religious institutions should look to fill that role again. There's also going to be a great need for counseling. People are more likely to hurt themselves during times of higher unemployment. They may feel a lowered sense of self-esteem; we perceive our value as being based on what vocation we have. It may not be true, but it is how we feel in America.
If you are facing unemployment, realize that it probably stems from larger economic tides and it is not a reflection of you.
Likewise, if you know a friend or family member facing unemployment, reach out to them regularly. Some people may need financial help. The big houses we Americans have can be put to good use if a loved one is evicted or foreclosed upon and needs a place to stay. We tend to look to government to take care of us, but the state can't do what we can do as a family.
Having said all that, Clark wants to emphasize that we are not headed toward a wave of mass unemployment in the 20% range that would suggest a depression.
From Clark Howard on October 20, 2008:
Management Training
11 years ago
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