Monday, October 20, 2008

Webinar – How to find a job on the Interne

This webinar will take place on November 1, 2008 @11:00am. It is free but you must register.

I cannot preview the material so I cannot provide a true "reference " for it. If you watch it and have any questions about the validity of the information or processes discussed, please let me know.

Excerpt from Registration page:

Even though times are tough, it is not impossible to find work to support yourself and your family. I remember the last recession of 2002 when I had bills to pay, mouths to feed and no interviews pending. How is that for irony - a Recruiter looking for work?

Like every other job seeker, I placed my resume on Monster, scanned the newspaper and asked people if they knew of any openings. In other words, I was doing what everyone else was doing, at the same time, but for some reason I was expecting different results. Two weeks into my job search I decided to do something different and today I am still reaping the rewards from my efforts back in 2002.

In my free webinar, "Confessions of a Job Search Strategist" you will learn the following:

  • Where does your resume really go? (The Blackhole Explained)
  • Why Job Boards don't matter (and why they do)
  • How to use Google to discover jobs that most people will never see
  • How to get Recruiters to chase after you

The class is 1-hour to include a Question and Answer session.

Notes will be made available for downloading after the session.

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