If anyone was hoping to hear good news at the Atlanta Rotary Club's lunch today, economist Don Ratajczak quickly changed that thought. Ratajczak, former director of Georgia State University's Economic Forecasting Center who currently serves as a consultant, did not hold any punches. "We are a nation that's troubled, and we are in a world that's in panic," Ratajczak said. And he dispelled any doubts about whether we are in a recession. "Of course it's a recession." As evidence, Ratajczak pointed to the fact that there's been a loss of jobs every month for most of the year. He expects that when the new numbers are reported in November, another 200,000 jobs will have been lost. And that could increase to 300,000 a month early next year. The real issue is whether the nation will be able steer its way out of the recession without entering a depression. And Ratajczak wouldn't make any guarantees. Several actions will need to occur including regulating the unregulated parts of the financial community. "We now need to regulate activities, not institutions," he said. "We need to regulate mortgages, not banks." Ratajczak's forecast was that corporate profit would be down 20 percent in 2009. He expects companies to reduce capital expenditures, and he expects further contraction in the market -- minus 3 percent in the fourth quarter; about the same in the first quarter and then a negative 1 percent in the second quarter of 2009. The biggest question of whether the United States will be able to avert a depression is one of confidence. "We have got to rebuild that confidence," he said predicting that the Christmas season will be rather dismal for retailers this year. As to the presidential election, Ratajczak said he would like to hear more direction from both candidates about how they would deal with the economy. He criticized U.S. Sen. Barack Obama for using words like "sharing the wealth when wealth is imploding." But before letting people think that he is supporting U.S. Sen. John McCain, Ratajczak said of Obama: "He's more elegant than the other guy." When asked about unemployment in Georgia, Ratajczak said his forecast shows it could reach 8.5 percent. He also predicted that the Federal Reserve Bank will cut interest rates again this year and that inflation will be only about 2 percent next year. In closing, Ratajczak said: "I'm longterm bullish on banks. I just don't know which banks to be bullish on." From: http://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/stories/2008/10/27/daily16.html?f=et50&ana=e_du
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Of course it’s a recession
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
3:42 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
Is your job too stressful? Take the test
An Imag Career coach has a test to help you determine if your job is too stressful:
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
4:13 PM
Stocks seesaw after Homes Report
The markets reacted positively after the government offered a rare, better-than-expected report on housing. The Commerce Department said new home sales jumped by 2.7% in September to an annual rate of 464,000. Economists had expected a more modest rise in sales. However, the median price of new homes plunged 9.1% last month to $218,400 -- the lowest level since September 2004. T The report sent shares of homebuilders like Pulte Homes (PHM) and Lennar (LEN) sharply higher. Excerpt from a much lengthier article at: http://www.foxbusiness.com/story/markets/global-market-selloff-places-pressure-futures/
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
1:47 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Stock Market Turbulence
I know that today's continued volatility is unsettling, but please recognize no matter how much the media is scaring you we are not hitting new lows. The lowest point for the S&P 500 and DJIA was reached on October 10th and ever since then the DJIA has traded between 7,773 and 9,310. I would anticipate that we will continue to be bounced around until after the elections. It should also be noted that trading volume was significantly higher on the 10th, another sign of the market capitulation that I discussed in my last email. Below I have provided a few resources that will hopefully help you recognize that we are much closer to the bottom of this market, leaving tremendous opportunity for a recovery in the coming months. I know in these difficult times to stay the course requires a strong stomach. We encourage you to stick with your long term investment plans at this time. Please contact me if you need to talk about your portfolio or what is going on in the economy. The markets have experienced other crises in the past (the Savings & Loan debacle of the 80s, the crash of '87, the currency crisis of the 90s, the technology boom/bust cycle of the late 90s, and now the mortgage/credit meltdown?). In each of these periods, the problems have eventually been resolved and markets return to more positive and less volatile times. Thank you for letting me be a part of your financial decisions, and I recognize the weight of my responsibilities. As always I am here to discuss any of your concerns and please feel free to forward these updates to your friends and family that are also looking for direction in these uncertain times. J. Brian Preston, CPA, CFP®, PFS
2008 "150 Best Financial Advisers for Doctors" list.
NAPFA - Registered Financial Advisor
Preston & Cleveland Wealth Management, LLC
1611 South Zack Hinton Parkway
McDonough, GA 30253
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
2:59 PM
Ask the Expert” Roundtables are back with 15 speakers!
Hello from RUMC Job Networking!
“Ask the Expert” Roundtables are back with 15 speakers!
Join us Monday Night, October 27th when we have 15 speakers at RUMC! This is one of our most popular and interactive events. We’ll have each of the speakers give you a 30 second pitch as to why you should be at their table. You then get to choose 3 of them.
We start at 6:00 pm with a free dinner and close around 9:15 pm. Go to www.RUMCjobnetworki ng.com for more information and directions. No RSVP is required.
We are excited to have all of our guest speakers. However, for the first time ever we’ve gotten commitment from Ruthie Powell of “Ruthie’s List” fame to join us Monday Night. The other 14 speakers and topics will be sent via email later this week via RUMC Yahoogroups in time for our meeting as we wrap up our confirmations.
Our last meeting we had over 155 job seekers in attendance. Also 112 job seekers took advantage of our dinner which focuses on developing your spiritual resume. With over 40 of our 130 volunteers on-site at each meeting we are excited to contribute to your job search. We have a great program for you on Monday Night and hope you can join us.
Please review this line up for Monday Night. We are experimenting with the timing of some of these activities causing some of the activities to overlap. We added Resume Reviewing to follow the Free Dinner so you can take advantage of both in the same room. We also have moved our resume reviewers to 6:00 pm and added a new Interview Discussion Room and the new Small Business Opportunity Discussion Room. See below:
1. 6:00 – 7:00 pm Free Dinner Program with Resume Reviews (7:00 – 7:30 pm). We have an individual contributor who is sponsoring our dinner Monday Night starting at 6:00 pm on “Developing your Spiritual Resume.” Volunteer leader Bob Kashey will lead you through some critical steps that will help you in your job search. The dinner is free but please arrive by 6:00 pm. Again, no RSVP is required. For those that attend dinner we will be offering resume reviews so you don’t have to rush out early.
2. 6:00 – 7:30 pm Resume Reviews. We have Recruiters and HR Professionals volunteering their time as Resume Reviewers that are anxious to go one-on-one with you.
3. 6:45 – 7:30 pm Interview Discussion Room. This is a brand new addition to our ministry and is run by Richard Kirby. We will have an informal drop-in format.
4. 6:45 – 7:30 pm Small Business Opportunity Discussion Room. This is also a brand new addition to our ministry and is coordinated by Bill Williams.
5. 7:30 – 9:15 pm “Ask the Expert” Program. Select 3 of our 15 guest speakers based on what you are most interested in. Bring a note pad to take notes!!
6. Industry Guide Access. We have over 65 off-site volunteers that will take one of your phone calls after the meeting. You get to select one of them based on the industry and company that they work for.
Do you need directions or more details? Go to www.RUMCjobnetworking.com.
Membership Codes
Do you need another reason to attend? We will be distributing Membership Codes for www.crossroadscareer.org which is a site that will walk you through the Six Steps in your Job Search. This website is a one of a kind resource that we are pleased to share with you – if you attend Monday Night.
See you Monday Night!
Jay Litton
Volunteer Leader
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
12:23 PM
Labels: Events, Faith based, job posting, miscellaneous, Networking, Resume Information
Unemployment up 44 percent from last year
Atlanta jobless rate climbs Unemployment up 44 percent from last year By MICHAEL E. KANELL Metro Atlanta's jobless rate climbed last month to 6.5 percent, up from 6.2 percent in August, the state Department of Labor reported Thursday. http://www.ajc.com/business/content/business/stories/2008/10/23/unemployment.html
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The region's official unemployment rate, which has not been adjusted to account for seasonal variations, matches the state's rate, also 6.5 percent.
The jobless rate is up 44 percent from the same month of last year, reflecting a continued decay in the economy.
That trend is national. About 478,000 laid-off workers filed new jobless claims last week, federal officials said Thursday.
Anything above 400,000 is considered evidence of a weak labor market. The report has been above that mark since mid-July.
The weekly national filings were up from 333,000 first-time claims in the corresponding week of October a year ago.
Job losses accelerated as problems in the real estate market multiplied and led to layoffs. Many cuts came among builders and roofers. But they rippled through services like brokers and accountants, as well as into sectors like textiles, where the housing boom had boosted demand.
Now, layoffs have spread even wider across the economy, said Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond, to include workers in manufacturing, construction, trade and services.
Metro Atlanta payrolls lost 17,200 jobs from August to September, officials said. That accounts for slightly more than half the 33,600 jobs lost during the past year.
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
10:28 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Market Meltdown: Change Your Job Search Mindset
Market Meltdown: Change Your Job Search Mindset
Joe Turner 10/20/08
The current economic meltdown is just the tip of a much larger iceberg that will have far reaching economic implications for all of us here in the U.S. Tens of thousands of layoffs in and beyond the financial industry will only be the start of more sober times as companies across the country will be forced to rethink their future hiring plans.
One fact seems certain. All of these combined circumstances will have huge ramifications for job seekers. The failing economy and a constantly rising unemployment rate will require individuals to take a fresh approach to their job search.
Referencing the most recent economic crisis, Neil McNulty, Principal Recruiter, McNulty Management Group states, "The game has changed, but the rules remain the same; now, more than ever, job seekers need to change their mindset from looking for 'openings' to looking for 'opportunities. ' Opportunities are born out of crisis and chaos, and exist even in the worst economy."This means that you, as a job seeker, must look beyond job postings and move into marketing yourself to the managers of the companies and organizations who are experiencing problems that you can solve.
Here's how:
1. Change Your Mindset: Move away from being a passive job seeker and toward being an active problem-solver. Don't just rely on the Internet to find job openings. Scour the marketplace to find the hidden jobs that aren't advertised. Most jobs are not posted or advertised. The best jobs are often found through networking, word-of-mouth and informational interviews.
2. Stop Thinking of Yourself as Just an Assortment of Job Skills: See yourself as a product to package and market, and then create your own marketing campaign to find your desired job. This includes having a state-of-the- art resume and sharpening your interviewing skills.
3. Sell ROI: View yourself in terms of Return on Investment for an employer. See yourself as a mini-profit and loss center. Be prepared to demonstrate ways you have helped to positively impact the bottom line of your past or current employer. This means demonstrating ways you've helped make money or save money for an employer or clients. As employees, we all touch money. Some of us may be closer to it than others. Regardless, we must find ways to prove this in short "sound bites" when given the opportunity.
Remember, it's not about you, but about the organization itself. All communication with a prospective employer must answer the question, "What's in it for me (the employer)?" The road ahead will be littered with casualties; make no mistake about that.We could sit by and whine about the circumstances. We could wait for the government to initiate a "bailout" package that might somehow rescue the unemployed. Or, we could take charge of our own lives and power ourselves forward.
Joseph P. Kennedy said many years ago, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." That statement is just as true today as it was then. Whether we're employed or not, we all have this rocky, tough economy in common. We can respond as victims of the economy or we can get tough, and get going. As a recruiter, Joe Turner has spent the past 15 years finding and placing top candidates in some of the best jobs of their careers. Author of "JobSearch Secrets Unlocked" and "Paycheck 911" , Joe has interviewed on radio talk shows and offers
<http://www.jobchangesecrets.com/> free insider job search secrets.
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
7:18 PM
Labels: Interviewing, miscellaneous, Networking, News on Job Market
Job Networking Ministry at Roswell United Methodist Church (RUMC)
A button posted on the lower right side of this blog will enable you to join RUMC's Yahoo Group. Their group distributes an email "Daily Digest" of job openings in the metro area.
Job Networking Ministry at Roswell United Methodist Church (RUMC) located at 814 Mimosa Boulevard in Roswell, Georgia.
We focus on tending to the needs of job seekers and career changers. We meet every second and fourth Monday evening at the Dodson Youth Center starting at 7:30 pm and ending around 9:15 pm. If you arrive early at 6:00 pm you can take advantage of our new program "Developing You Spritual Resume".
We provide a Free Dinner that is sponsored by companies and individuals that want to contribute to your search. Then at 6:45 pm you can take advantage of:
- Resume Guides (recruiters who will review your resume)
- Our small group program (learn more at http://www.c3g.org/)
- And many other networking opportunities.
Before you leave, take advantage of our Industry Guides (a RUMC creation) where you get to select an employed church member to network with after the meeting based on the industry and company they are employed with.
Our main program at 7:30 pm typically has powerful guest speakers and programs that will provide practical strategies you can put to work the next day.We have one of the largest volunteer programs in the State of Georgia with over 110 employed RUMC volunteers. We are anxious to show you how we can help you personally in your job search.
For directions and more information, check us out at http://www.rumcjobnetworking.com/. Take a look at our Crossroads Career Partner website. We can help you with the best practices with the Key Six Steps. It is free to everyone because we have paid for your subscription as a service to you. You will need a membership key to log into the site as a career explorer. We provide these at no cost every meeting! Join us to learn how to find the hidden jobs and obtain the skills necessary for a successful job search. Remember, keep God part of your job search too. It makes no sense to do this alone!
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
9:05 AM
Labels: Faith based, job posting, miscellaneous, Networking, News on Job Market, Resume Information
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Home Builder’s Hidden Time Bombs
October 17, 2008 9:28AM By Elizabeth MacDonald Housing starts in the US sank 6.3% in September to a seasonally adjusted rate of 817,000, the lowest level in 17 years. That's worse than economists had expected, with a consensus forecast of a 1.7% drop in home construction. Moreover, economists expect further declines in the fourth quarter. Building permits, an indicator of future activity, fell 8.3% to a 786,000 annual rate. The decline in housing starts–the third precipitous drop in a row–should help weed back existing housing inventories, however, all of this means the home builders remain under severe pressure. That includes Hovnanian (HOV: 4.88, -0.20, -3.93%), Centex Corp. (CTX: 10.85, -0.42, -3.72%), D.R. Horton (DHI: 6.78, -0.42, -5.83%), Lennar Corp. (LEN: 9.01, -0.65, -6.72%), Toll Brothers (TOL: 20.57, -0.93, -4.32%) and Pulte Homes (PHM: 10.55, -0.76, -6.71%). More so as U.S.-regulated banks are rapidly getting out of home building. "This is, by far, the toughest time for home builders since World War II," said James Hamilton, an economics professor with UC San Diego. "It's really a phenomenal collapse in the market these past two years." On top of all this, Standard & Poors lowered its credit ratings on seven homebuilders in the last three months, and had cut 11 in the preceding quarter. Large homebuilders–like D.R. Horton, Lennar Corp. and Pulte Homes-are working furiously to cut back production to levels last seen in 2000 and 2001, while others have retreated as far as 1994. Supply Glut Socks the Home Builders The National Association of Realtors says that inventories are at a supply of 10.4 months, the highest level in 18 years. The US Census Bureau releases new home sale and supply data, with data dating back to 1963. As of August 2008, there was 10.9 months of supply, down slightly from the peak of 11.2 months seen in March of this year. August marked the sixth consecutive month of double digit months of inventory, a trend that has never happened dating back to 1963. Previous highs of 11.6 months of supply were made in April 1980, with a few other months of double-digit supply in 1981. In short, the current levels of inventory are unprecedented, warns Meredith Whitney of Oppenheimer Equity Research. To wipe out the supply glut in housing, builders will have to pump out just 800,000 houses annually for two years, Merrill Lynch says. That's about half of the going rate up until recently. House Price Declines Hurt Housing futures imply a housing price peak-to-trough drop of 22% by November 2008, a drop of 29% by November 2009, and a drop of 33% by 2010. Under this scenario home prices would return to levels last seen about eight years ago, essentially wiping out nearly a decades' worth of home price appreciation. Home Builders' Ugly Debt Picture The average leverage of investment grade home builders, as measured by debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, could grow to four times in late 2007, from a current average of 1.8 times. Moody's Investors Service has already reported that a worse-than-expected housing slump has left home builders with less cash flow to cover debt interest, and some ratings could be cut if that trend continues. Cash flow is the key to reducing debt and interest expense, but companies have had a harder time boosting cash flow than in previous downturns, Moody's said. Home Builders' Hidden Time Bombs There are hidden time bombs on the home builders' balance sheets–off balance sheet debt, which could keep the home building sector dark for a while longer. Specifically, many home builders entered into land deals with partners, but then shoved billions of dollars in debt from those deals into off-balance sheet vehicles, debt that could come back to bite their stocks. Put that debt back onto their balance sheets, already underwater with an ocean liner of debt, and the companies' dirt-cheap book values fall deeper in the hole. Here's how it works. Many large builders took minority stakes in joint ventures, which let them stockpile land for future needs while keeping billions in debt off their balance sheets. If they don't make sales, if they can't move that land, they're still very likely on the hook for their share of that off-balance sheet debt. Alisa Guyer Galperin, an analyst at the Center for Financial Research & Analysis, figures that 13 of the country's biggest homebuilders on average have debt to capital ratios that look way uglier with this off balance sheet debt factored in, as much as 977 basis points higher than typically reported. Why Debt Ratios Matter This is why investors should care about higher debt to capital ratios. A company with high debt-to-capital ratios faces higher costs, like interest, on these debts that can suck free cash flow out of a company, cash that could go toward expanding an operation (yes taking on debt can also help pay to grow a company, but at a big cost-especially if management is poor). High debt can weigh on a company and increase its default risk. The Center for Financial Research & Analysis figures that Lennar, one of the country's biggest home builders out of Miami, Fla, and NVR, a homebuilder in Reston, Va., have the most off-balance sheet debt. The Center also adds that NVR in each of the last three years bought developed lots from a company controlled by a board member-did it get a fair price for shareholders? Homebuilders may be held responsible for their share of joint venture debt guarantees, based on their pro rata share of the joint venture or the JV's specific recourse agreements. The accounting rules are really loose here-the homebuilders themselves get to decide whether or not they are the prime beneficiaries of an off balance sheet deal, and so whether they need to book the debt on their balance sheets. The Center's Guyer Galperin has estimated that Lennar is on the hook for up to $910 mn of $5.6 bn in debt through partnerships not on its books. Lennar and other home builders are already fighting with lenders that are stamping their feet to force it pay off its share of their partnerships' total outstanding debt. And Deutsche Bank has already sued Technical Olympic USA, alleging the Florida builder is in "multiple potential defaults" on $675 million in debt owed by several failed joint venture partnerships. Lennar says it's protected from any problems because it's hooked up with solid institutional investors like the pension fund CalPERS and has set up deals to ensure it isn't liable for partners. http://emac.blogs.foxbusiness.com/2008/10/17/home-builders-hidden-time-bombs/
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
5:02 PM
Labels: Homebuilding Industry, miscellaneous, Other Blogs
St. Ann’s Catholic Church offers: Career Quest
Career Quest, the oldest active and most experienced job network in Atlanta is staffed by heads of local businesses, division heads of major
corporations and other self starters. Direction and detailed descriptions of our workshops and Bios of our facilitators are available on our web site:
Call 770-552-6400 ext. 6104 for more information.
* Every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm we hold two events that run concurrently:
* Group Networking: self driven, an open forum dedicated to networking with other job seekers
* Resume Reviews: One-on-one time is available with experienced volunteers
* 7:55pm the Workshop Session: Begins & runs to approximately 10pm these are self-help workshops designed to provide job seekers with the basic tools to locate jobs and have an edge when applying for jobs
WORKSHOP for 10/21/08: "Starting a Job Search"
The session provides job seekers with much more than just an introduction to what proven techniques follow in the rest of this dynamic approach to re-entering the new workplace, but also how one can make a successful career transition. This initial session also provides the following for each participant that actively engages the process:
- The understanding that they are not alone deals with job seekers feelings
- Offers an overview of critical web-sites and support services for job seekers
- Highlights of each job search tool offered with take-aways! A job-seeker marketing plan for each participant
- Strategies for each job seeker to create a career development plan
Presented by Susan Nofi a Senior Vice President, Human Resources and General Counsel, for the world's leading industry provider of print media in 170 countries. Susan has over 20 years of experience. She created a focus on strategic and organizational management, particularly in salary
administration, performance management, and training
WORKSHOPS for the remainder of OCTOBER:
10/28/2008 "D.I.S.C.: a Human Behavior Model" presented by Ernie Pollitzer
St. Ann's is located on 4905 Roswell Road/ 120, (at the intersection of Bishop Lake and Roswell Rd./Rt.120) Marietta Ga. 30062. Everyone is
welcome. There is no charge and dress is casual. Drive around the back of the Church and park near the swing set and enter the building through the
door under the drive-thru overhang; our room is on your right. Call 770-552-6400 ext. 6104 for more information.
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
10:55 AM
Labels: Events, Resume Information
Monday, October 20, 2008
Resources to help you Survive a Layoff
You may click on the picture above to enlarge the information. All the information above is listed under the Georgia Department of Labor under "Surviving a layoff". The link is: http://www.dol.state.ga.us/js/survive_layoff.htm
And there are live links to each resource listed above on the webpage.
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
6:10 PM
Labels: Government Website, miscellaneous, Tax Deductions for Job Search
Unemployment highlights need for community, family networks
CLARKONOMICS: Clark wants to issue a special challenge to churches and other religious organizations ahead of what is likely to be a trend of rising unemployment. At just a little over 6%, unemployment remains low today compared to historical numbers. But odds are fairly good that we may see it rise to between 8.5% or 9%.
Some places like Michigan and Rhode Island may be there already, with California following closely behind. In the past, churches, synagogues and other religious institutions have offered people a place to network during times of high unemployment. In Clark's estimation, the Internet and its networking forums just don't have the same touch as a brick-and-mortar building where you can go to share bumps in the road with others seeking work.
So our nation's religious institutions should look to fill that role again. There's also going to be a great need for counseling. People are more likely to hurt themselves during times of higher unemployment. They may feel a lowered sense of self-esteem; we perceive our value as being based on what vocation we have. It may not be true, but it is how we feel in America.
If you are facing unemployment, realize that it probably stems from larger economic tides and it is not a reflection of you.
Likewise, if you know a friend or family member facing unemployment, reach out to them regularly. Some people may need financial help. The big houses we Americans have can be put to good use if a loved one is evicted or foreclosed upon and needs a place to stay. We tend to look to government to take care of us, but the state can't do what we can do as a family.
Having said all that, Clark wants to emphasize that we are not headed toward a wave of mass unemployment in the 20% range that would suggest a depression.
From Clark Howard on October 20, 2008: http://clarkhoward.com/shownotes/index.html
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
5:40 PM
Labels: Clark Howard Links, Emotional Support, miscellaneous
Webinar – How to find a job on the Interne
This webinar will take place on November 1, 2008 @11:00am. It is free but you must register. I cannot preview the material so I cannot provide a true "reference " for it. If you watch it and have any questions about the validity of the information or processes discussed, please let me know. http://howtofindajobontheinternet.eventbrite.com/ Excerpt from Registration page: Even though times are tough, it is not impossible to find work to support yourself and your family. I remember the last recession of 2002 when I had bills to pay, mouths to feed and no interviews pending. How is that for irony - a Recruiter looking for work? Like every other job seeker, I placed my resume on Monster, scanned the newspaper and asked people if they knew of any openings. In other words, I was doing what everyone else was doing, at the same time, but for some reason I was expecting different results. Two weeks into my job search I decided to do something different and today I am still reaping the rewards from my efforts back in 2002. In my free webinar, "Confessions of a Job Search Strategist" you will learn the following: The class is 1-hour to include a Question and Answer session. Notes will be made available for downloading after the session.
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
8:46 AM
Labels: Events, Job Search Engines, Webinar
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Just Because
This stuff is just because I feel like posting it J Motorcycle weather for months – one of the benefits of living in Atlanta Here is the GA Full Throttle Calendar: http://www.gafullthrottle.com/archives/oct08/cruisincal.htm#october Don't miss "Wheels Through Time" near Maggie Valley, North Carolina if you like bikes: http://www.wheelsthroughtime.com/ Marion and I rode to Gatlinburg, visited Maggie Valley and rode the "Tail of the Dragon", a road consisting of 318 curves in 11 miles. The driver pointed out this particular ride is a LOT more fun for the passenger (me) than the driver: The Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap, with 318 curves in 11 miles, is America's number one motorcycle and sports car road. The nearby Cherohala Skyway is quickly becoming number two with its remote 60 miles of scenic mountain highway. http://www.tailofthedragon.com/ For those of you who know my darling daughter, she graduates from college in December – Oh Happy Day! I can finally exhale a little. I hope everyone is doing well. I would love to hear from you anytime you have time to write. For those of you who are or will be looking for a job – Good Luck! I hope you find the opportunity you want. 8
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
5:41 AM
Talk about a challenge
The Wizard of Oz characters sculpted in the eye of a needle. http://www.willard-wigan.com/
Check out Willard Wigan's art before you decide you just cannot do something J.
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
5:01 AM
Labels: miscellaneous
Implode a Meter
It is not like you do not already know
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
4:48 AM
Part-time and Home based employment for Professionals
The link for Mom Corps is also posted on the right hand side of the Blog under Job Search Resources. http://www.momcorps.com/about_us/ An Industry-First Business Model for Flexible Employment Mom Corps is the expert in the flexible employment market. Our mission is two-fold: We provide companies direct access to a previously untapped market segment of exceptional talent - professionals who have opted out of the traditional workplace. We enable professionals to work in their respective fields, while simultaneously meeting familial needs and responsibilities. We execute this mission through the following services: Staffing Services (Contingent, Project, Permanent) Online Job Posting Board Events and Conferences (Coffee Clubs, Own Your Life Annual Conference) Expert Services for Candidates (Expert Resumes, Expert Coaching, Expert Training) Corporate Consulting
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
4:41 AM
Interview Preparation
Do Your Homework Before the Big Interview by John Rossheim Once upon a time, a job seeker landed an interview, skimmed the prospective employer's annual report, wowed the hiring manager with a few company facts and strolled into his dream job. That late-'90s fairy tale rarely comes true these days. With employers in more control of the labor market, candidates feel compelled to give it their all when preparing for interviews. And that includes mounting a broad, deep search for relevant information about the position, the company, the industry and even the interviewer. Luckily for you, diverse resources, many of them free or cheap and available on the Internet, enable you to achieve that competitive edge if you're willing to put your nose to the grindstone -- or computer monitor. Employers' Web Sites Your prospective employer's corporate Web site is the best place to see the company as it wants to be seen. Do check out that annual report, but also look for a "press room" or "company news" page that links to recent news releases. As you mull all this information, consider how the open position, as detailed in the job posting, relates to the company's mission. But don't stop there. Use the company site's search facility to query the names of the hiring manager and any others on your interview dance card. You may retrieve bio pages or press releases that give you insight into their most visible activities at the company. "Learning about the interviewer is probably the most valuable thing you can do," says Ron Fry, author of 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions. Next, get some vital statistics and independent perspectives on your prospective employer. Hoover's Online, for one, provides capsule descriptions, financial data and a list of competitors for thousands of large corporations. Your 401k or mutual fund account with a major broker likely provides more detailed research on publicly traded companies and industries, free of charge. "You may be able to go to competitors for the prospective employer's financials," says Joyce Lain Kennedy, Los Angeles Times career columnist and author of Job Interviews for Dummies. News Sources Now broaden your perspective and see what general-interest and business publications and Web sites are writing about the employer and its industry. You can find a wide range of media outlets at NewsLink, notes Kennedy. Search national publications for news on major corporations; use hometown newspapers to learn about small businesses and how big businesses interact with their local communities. Refdesk and bizjournals.com also offer gateways to journalism on companies and industries. Trade Journals Taking cues from your research so far, drill down into your target company and its place in the industry by looking at trade journals and other specialized publications. "Get a few months of the relevant trade journal," advises Fry. "You're going to find out about new products and what the trade is saying about the company." You may find hard copies of trade journals at university or public libraries. Some journals are available for free or by subscription through their own Web sites; the full text of thousands more is available through periodical databases like ProQuest and InfoTrac. You may even be able to access InfoTrac for free via the Web, using just the membership number on your public library card. Contact your local library for details. Industry Directories By now, you've probably got some very specific questions regarding the employer and your potential role there. Go directly to the grapevine by making contact with other workers at your target company or elsewhere in the industry. "If you belong to a professional organization, go to its directory," says Marilyn Pincus, author of Interview Strategies that Lead to Job Offers. If you don't belong, consider joining; check out the American Society of Association Executives' Gateway to Associations Directory. Of course, you can also use networking services to get in touch with people inside the company. Google Finally, if you hope to have a company ogling you, try Googling them first. You just might come up with a nugget you would have missed otherwise. While you're at it, Google yourself to make sure you and the interviewer are on the same page. Because if he's savvy, he's doing unto you as you've just done unto him and his company.
Monster Senior Contributing Writer
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
4:29 AM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Evaluating niche job boards
If you are looking for online resources for a specific skill set, Alexa.com might be helpful.
You can use their directory/business/employment and select a professional or skill area for a list of job boards and their rankings. This will help you determine what kind of traffic a site actually attracts. Obviously,the more traffic a site attracts, the better the chance you may find an opportunity or an employer might find your resume.
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
11:38 PM
Labels: Job Search Engines
Early Voting Information for GA
If you are interested in voting early, the following link will take you to the Secretary of State page for information:
Posted by
Elizabeth Coggins
11:33 PM
Labels: Voting